FILIP - In Practice

Learn about the different types of debt and how to manage debt. What constitutes good or bad debt? Is a mortgage the best choice for you? Find the answers to these and many more questions related to debt management.

debt, finance, money
expenses management, money

Learn about the different types of expenses, what necessary, avoidable and most valued expenses are and ways to reduce or optimise your expenses. Check out in depth analysis of the 4 main categories of necessary expenses: a) tax, b) accommodation, c) food and d) transportation. Find the answers and tips related to the management of your expenses.

Learn about income generation and income diversification, ways to increase your income creating multiple sources of income, ways to turn your income into assets that generate you more income (passive income) and what are the next steps you need to take to increase and diversify your income.

money management, investment management
invest, money, finance

Learn about the importance of saving and investing to grow your assets, grow your income and become financially independent. Check out different ways to save and invest your money. Find out about the value of investment diversification and financial planning and many other practices you can utilise to manage your money and investments effectively.

Find out more information about the importance of insurance in order to protect your financial position against large unexpected expenses. Learn how to identify scams and how to avoid scammers as well as the importance of cybersecurity and how your can protect your finances when dealing online.

financial security, security, cyber
crowd, men, women

Learn about the science of behavioural finance, the behaviours people demonstrate in relation to their personal finances including a number of different behavioural biases. Find out about the importance of discipline and building great financial habits.